American Cancer Society Claims Planned Parenthood Delivers Babies

Pro-life activist and former Planned Parenthood employee, Abby Johnson, recently received a donation request from the American Cancer Society (ACS). She responded to the request with a note about why she wasn’t going to donate to the group. She cited the fact that ACS has given to Planned Parenthood and refuses to acknowledge the link between abortion and breast cancer. The ACS responded to to her, making a wild claim. Click here to read about it via

Words from Our Founders: George Washington on Military Chaplains

Today we continue our series examining our Founding Fathers in their own words and considering their high esteem for religion, religious liberty, and virtue.

Below is an excerpt from a letter dated April 17, 1758, in which George Washington–then an officer in the British Army–asks that a chaplain be appointed to serve over his regiment.

“The last Assembly, in their Supply Bill, provided for a chaplain to our regiment, for whom I had often very unsuccessfully applied to Governor Dinwiddie. I now flatter myself, that your Honor will be pleased to appoint a sober, serious man for this duty. Common decency, Sir, in a camp calls for the services of a divine, and which ought not to be dispensed with, altho’ the world should be so uncharitable as to think us void of religion, and incapable of good instructions.”