ACLU Attacks Nativity at Arkansas State Capitol

Federal District Judge Susan Webber Wright ruled in Little Rock on Monday that the Arkansas Society of Freethinkers has a First Amendment Right to set up their “kiosk” alongside the Nativity Christmas display on the grounds of the State Capitol. Judge Wright ruled that Arkansas Secretary of State Charlie Daniels had established a “public forum” by allowing a private organization, the owners of the Nativity, to set it up.


Family Council Calls for Vote Against Abortion Funding

Thursday, December 10, 2009

In a statement on Thursday, Family Council Director, Jerry Cox, expressed concern over a vote this week by Senator Blanche Lincoln. Lincoln voted against an amendment sponsored by Senators Ben Nelson, D-Nebraska, and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, that mirrored language in the House bill that prevents any health plan receiving federal subsidies from offering coverage for abortion. In a 54 – 45 vote, the amendment failed.
