U.S. Supreme Court Makes Silent Statement for Pro-Life Laws Everywhere

The last thing many abortionists want is for a woman to see a photograph of her unborn baby.

But thanks to a U.S. Supreme Court decision this week, that’s exactly what is going to happen.

On Monday the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a challenge the ACLU brought against a pro-life law out of Kentucky.

The law simply says that before performing an abortion, the abortionist must conduct an ultrasound on the woman and describe the ultrasound image while letting the woman see the image and hear the baby’s heartbeat.

Abortion supporters filed a lawsuit against Kentucky, but the Sixth Circuit upheld the law. Without comment, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the legal challenge against the Kentucky law — meaning it will stand as constitutional.

All of this may not sound like much, but it’s significant for two reasons:

First, ultrasound laws like Kentucky’s help women choose options besides abortion. By letting women see and hear their unborn child, these laws reinforce that an unborn baby is a person — not a clump of cells.

Second, by deciding not to hear the case, the U.S. Supreme Court may be giving states more leeway to restrict and eventually prohibit abortion. That’s going to save the lives of unborn children and ultimately pave the way for us to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The court’s decision is going to help unborn children everywhere in America. That’s something to celebrate.