Prisha Mosley: “Transition Did Not Fix My Distress”

The following is from our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom, sharing the story of de-transitioner Prisha Mosley. You can read more at:

Prisha Mosley was falsely told that harmful drugs and surgeries would fix the discomfort she was feeling with her gender.

Prisha was never able to truly give informed consent, because she wasn’t given all the relevant information about the drugs and surgeries she underwent. While Prisha eventually chose to stop these drugs and surgeries and fully embrace who she is as a woman, she unfortunately must live with many of the irreversible effects for the rest of her life.

Today, Prisha regularly speaks out about her experience in hopes that other people experiencing discomfort with their gender don’t have to go down the same painful road that she did. “I’m hoping that transition won’t do this to any other child’s life,” Prisha said.