Chemical Abortions are Not “Between a Woman and Her Doctor”

Abortion proponents who say abortion should be between a woman and her doctor must not be talking about chemical abortions. Giving a woman or girl some pills and sending her home to abort her baby—sometimes alone and without proper follow-up—is hardly healthcare.

Our friends across the border in Oklahoma passed legislation to rein in some of these abuses. It is not surprising the Oklahoma Coalition for Reproductive Justice, a pro-abortion organization, has sued, trying to have the courts overturn the law.


Ronald Reagan on Religious Liberty, Conscience

Twenty-nine years ago, on August 23, 1984, President Ronald Reagan delivered a speech at the Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast in Dallas, Texas. During the speech he commented on the importance of religion, morality, and how they relate to public service and politics.

Below is a clip of the final 3 minutes of his speech addressing specifically religious liberty and the importance of faith.

If you would like to watch the entire speech, click here. You can also read a transcript of the speech here.