Pass a Pro-Life Resolution In Your Community

Communities in Arkansas can pass resolutions declaring they are pro-life. Click here to learn more.

How to Quit Working at an Abortion Clinic

If you volunteer at or work for an abortion clinic, contact And Then There Were None to learn how you can leave the clinic.

And Then There Were None is dedicated to helping abortion clinic workers successfully quit working at abortion clinics. If you are a clinic employee looking for a way out, And Then There Were None can help you.

National Abortion Helpline

The National Abortion Helpline provides confidential post-abortive counseling for women and families. Their website is

Prayer and Sidewalk Helpers

Pro-life advocates routinely pray and speak with pregnant women from the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion locations. Contact Marsha Boss at (501) 960-5051 for more information.

Local Pro-Life Groups and Leaders

National Pro-Life Groups

Pro-Life Books and Publications

Ways You Can Help End Abortion

  • Take part in activities hosted by 40 Days for Life. Their campaigns have led to the closure of numerous abortion clinics across the country.
  • Attend a pro-life prayer meeting. To find out when the next prayer meeting will take place, contact Marsha Boss at (501) 960-5051 or contact Danny Gunderman with Americans United for Life at
  • Serve as a sidewalk helper in front of facilities that promote abortion. For more information, contact Marsha Boss at (501) 960-5051.
  • Volunteer for one of the local pro-life groups listed above.