An Overview of the 2013 Arkansas Legislative Session: Part 2

Yesterday, we posted a brief overview of the legislative session as a whole. Today we’d like to go into further detail about how our issues fared, and to accomplish this we’ve published a free e-book in PDF for you to download. This e-book covers a vast majority of our activity during the session. Click here to check it out!

Tomorrow in part three of our series, we’ll highlight our legislative battle against SJR16—a constitutional amendment that the Arkansas Legislature referred to the 2014 general election ballot.

An Overview of the 2013 Arkansas Legislative Session: Part 1

With the passage of six new pro-life laws, Arkansas may now be the most pro-life state in the nation! Our pro-life ranking of fourth, just behind Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, and Louisiana may have gotten even better with the passage of a new law banning most abortions after the 12th week of pregnancy. In addition, we were pleased to work with Arkansas Right to Life and our friends in the legislature to stop tax-funded abortions in Arkansas under Obamacare. Thanks to new laws just passed, abortion clinic employees are now mandatory reporters of child abuse; prosecutors can charge criminals with the death of an unborn child at any stage of development; and a pregnant woman can legally defend her unborn child against an assailant. If Arkansas’ new 12 week abortion law gets tied up in court, another good law is set to take effect that bans abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy.


Mountain View Home Schooler Catches Fish, Loses Bicycle

When 12-year-old Garrett Stephens reeled in a 26.5 inch catfish, he was thrilled at the prospect of winning first place in the Hooked on Fishing competition sponsored by Mountain View Middle School. Garrett’s hopes were dashed, however, when school principal Robert Ross told him that he was not eligible to win because he was a home schooler. Garrett’s mother, Amanda Stephens, said that Coach Randal Story had given permission for Garrett to fish. “Garrett was embarrassed,” she said.
