France Set to Ban Words ‘Father,’ ‘Mother’ From Law

A law has been proposed that would ban the words “father” and “mother” from all official documents in France.

The move comes as part of an effort to legalize same-sex marriage in France. “Father and mother” would be replaced by the gender-neutral term “parents” in all French laws and official documents.

Opponents worry it could lead to the legalization of polygamy or even incest–which is understandable, considering once marriage has been redefined to ignore gender, there is little logically to stop it from being redefined to ignore other boundaries that may currently exist.

Read more here.

Take Part in 40 Days for Life

The annual 40 Days for Life campaign kicked-off in Arkansas and across the country on Sunday, and we’re looking forward to seeing what God is going to do.

He has done amazing things through this annual event. Mothers and babies have been saved. Abortion clinic workers have left the industry. Hearts and minds have changed forever. Every year, incredible things happen, and Family Council is inviting you to take part.

Join pro-life Arkansans as we pray, hold peaceful vigils, and engage in positive outreach to end abortion outside of local abortion clinics. There are two locations in Arkansas: One in Little Rock and the other in Fayetteville. For more information on 40 Days for Life and how to sign-up to participate, please click here if you’re near Little Rock or here if you’re near Fayetteville.

Words From Our Founders: Washington on Divine Blessing

Today we continue our series examining our Founding Fathers in their own words and considering their high esteem for religion, religious liberty, and virtue.

Below is an excerpt from a list of bullet points George Washington submitted to Alexander Hamilton on May 15, 1796. This particular point highlights Washington’s belief in God’s divine blessing on the United States.

“That, as the All-wise Dispenser of human blessings has favored no nation of the earth with more abundant and substantial means of happiness than United America, we may not be so ungrateful to our Creator, so wanting to ourselves, and so regardless of posterity, as to dash the cup of beneficence, which is thus bountifully offered to our acceptance.”