Arkansas News: Medical Marijuana Initiative Lacking in Signatures

This is news from Friday, but just in case you missed it, the proposal to place medical marijuana on the November ballot fell way short of the signatures it needed. Arkansas News Bureau reports: “Arkansas for Compassionate Care submitted 65,413 signatures, of which only 36,495 were valid signatures of Arkansas voters, the secretary of state’s office said. The group needs 62,507 signatures to get the proposal on the ballot.” The group has 30 days to gather the valid signatures it needs to have their initiative approved for the ballot. Our opinion is that it’s very unlikely that they’ll be able to accomplish this, considering the massive deficit they’d have to overcome in such a short amount of time. We are watching this closely, however.

Words from Our Founders: Alexander Hamilton on Christianity and War

Today we continue our series examining our Founding Fathers in their own words and considering their high esteem for religion, religious liberty, and virtue.

Below is an excerpt from the writings of Alexander Hamilton, one of our founders and our nation’s first Secretary of the Treasury, dated 1799. It discusses the French revolutionary wars and contrasts the actions of the French with those of other nations.
