Atheist Group Complains About Bibles Being Sold to Military Members

The Freedom From Religious Foundation has been all over the place these days, trying to make it very difficult for people of faith to exercise their freedom of religion. Their newest target in their war on religion is the presence of Bibles at U.S. military base exchanges, where servicemen and women can purchase Bibles voluntarily. Sound absurd? It is. But it’s also unfortunately true. Family Research Council has the details.

Selling Scorn Against Conservative Christians

Timothy Dalrymple over at has written a insightful, respectful critique of what he’s dubbed “Progressive Christian Scorn Literature,” which is a growing genre of commentary found online and in books about the scorn progressive Christians have for conservative Christians. Regardless of one’s political views, this is a must-read, especially for politically-concerned Believers. You can read it here.