40 Days for Life Next Week!

We’ve been talking a lot about 40 Days for Life. That’s because I believe this is one effort that could actually put an end to abortion in Arkansas. The reason is that it is an effort about humbly asking God for help in the ongoing fight against abortion.

Danny Gunderman with Americans United for Life recently wrote an article we featured on our blog. Below are some comments from him about 40 Days for Life:


Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repeal an Unnecessary Distraction

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell has been on the books for almost twenty years. President Clinton signed it into law as a compromise to allow homosexuals to serve in the military without facing harassment or discrimination. General James Amos, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, has testified in favor of it before Congress; and a survey of U.S. Marines shows that the majority favor keeping the policy in place. With that in mind, ending it just doesn’t make sense.
