Pro-Life Collaboration Gaining Momentum in Arkansas

The following is a guest post from Danny Gunderman. Danny is the Arkansas director for Americans United for Life.

The First Baptist Church in West Little Rock was the venue for approximately 400 members of the pro-life public attending an open forum on the evening of July 26, 2011. Coming together to hear three well-known individuals in the national pro-life movement, citizens were encouraged to take action on their belief in the sanctity of life.  Two days of strategy meetings, with the goal of ending abortion in Arkansas, were also conducted in conjunction with the Public Forum.


Pro-Life Legislation That Arkansas Needs: Part 2

Last week, we kicked off a blog series called Pro-Life Legislation That Arkansas Needs and discussed SB113, a bill filed by Sen. Cecile Bledsoe (R-Rogers) that would have prevented public funds in Arkansas from being used for abortions under Obamacare. Our focus this week will be HB2159, the Pregnant Woman’s Protection Act, by Rep. Gary Stubblefield (R-Branch).
