Family Council Action Committee Notifying Stores of Concerns

The following is a press release from the Family Council Action Committee

Today, Family Council Action Committee President Jerry Cox mailed letters to Arkansas’ Dollar General, Family Dollar, Fred’s Discount, and Walgreens stores.  In the letter, he outlined some concerns his group and others have expressed about lottery ticket vending machines.

Cox said, “All we want to do is make sure that store owners get the whole story on these vending machines.  The machines are very controversial, and Arkansas’ store owners need to know that.”


FRC: A Stem Cell Victory for Patients

David Prentice of Family Research Council briefly discussion the recent federal court ruling that “stops federal taxpayer funding human embryonic stem cell research,” then turns his attention to how this is good news for patients, since this should free up more funds for adult stem cell research—which is already yielding great results. You can read Mr. Prentice’s perspective by clicking here.