Attorney Advises Churches to Define Marriage in Bylaws

With the possibility courts or lawmakers nationwide might try to redefine “marriage” to mean something other than the union of one man to one woman, one attorney is advising churches to go ahead and define marriage in their bylaws to avoid litigation that might result from future court decisions.

Bylaw language defining marriage in the biblical sense doesn’t mean a church won’t face a suit or a complaint, but it does mean the church would be in a much better situation legally, said Erik Stanley, senior legal counsel for ADF.

Read more here.

Christian Group Booted From University of Michigan

According to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, the University of Michigan has booted its Asian InterVarsity chapter from campus after it refused to drop its biblically-based requirements for leadership.

The University of Michigan has instituted “a non-discrimination policy” that requires Christian groups to compromise on issues such as homosexuality and others.

Read more here.

ADF Senior Counsel Discusses Government’s “Theological Litmus Test”

On Wallbuilders Live, Jordan Lorence, Senior Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, discusses “the theological litmus test” used to remove Pastor Louie Giglio from the lineup at the inauguration.

He also discusses the general assault on religious liberty in America. Listen to the interview below.

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