Updated: Conway Schools Bar ‘Religious Leaders’ from Lunch

The Freedom from Religion Foundation–who grabbed headlines over Thanksgiving and Christmas with its letters opposing public nativity scenes and Christmas ceremonies around the country–has sent a letter to the superintendent of an Arkansas school district.

The group is complaining about youth pastors visiting students during lunch at Conway’s public schools.


Theologians Oppose Government-Imposed “Neutrality” in Prayer

From Liberty Institute:

Today, on behalf of several distinguished Christian theologians and scholars, Liberty Institute filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the United States Supreme Court supporting a request for the High Court to hear an important religious freedom case that could determine the future of prayers before legislative bodies throughout the U.S. The theologians seek to overturn the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit’s ruling in the case Galloway v. Town of Greece, which declared the town’s legislative prayers unconstitutional because they were not religiously diverse. A copy of the brief may be found here.

Read more here.