In Arizona, Which Side is “Intolerant”?

By now, you are probably aware of the controversial SB 1062 proposed recently by Arizona lawmakers and vetoed by Gov. Jan Brewer last Wednesday night.

The bill, which made national news across the country, would have “made certain that governmental laws cannot force people to violate their faith unless it has a compelling governmental interest—a balancing of interests that has been in federal law since 1993,” according to Cathi Herrod, President of Center for Arizona Policy, a supporter of the bill.

The bill, however, drew strong reactions from gay activists. In the words of Alliance Defending Freedom, they “egregiously misrepresented” SB1062 to the point that, as Cathi Herrod summed it up, Governor Brewer ultimately vetoed “a bill that does not even exist.” The bill she and others claimed she was vetoing was nothing, in reality, like the proposed law.

SB1062 was about protecting religious freedom from being compromised—not about allowing restaurants to deny service to gay people.

Gay activists often accuse groups like ours or the Center for Arizona Policy of being “hateful” and “intolerant.” But look at what Citizens for a Better Arizona did Wednesday, placing red tape over Center for Arizona Policy’s doors as if the place were out of business. They also attempted to swarm the office, protesting outside its doors and demanding Cathi Herrod come out and apologize for her group’s work. Some are even calling Cathi “a legislative terrorist.”

Does that sound at all like tolerance?

Click here for more info.

Are You a CIS Male or CIS Female?

The title may be confusing, but you are one or the other–or maybe one of the 56 other “gender identities.”

If you have a Facebook account, and are uncertain of your gender, you can now choose from one of 58 gender identities–another check mark for gay activists, as far as their movement is concerned.

Of course, the issue is much larger than recognizing 58 different types of “gender.” Tying gender to anything other than biology complicates society and carries a number of unintended consequences, as we’ve written about in the past.

Click here to read more.

Killing the Duck that Laid the Golden Eggs

You may have seen the news this week that A&E has indefinitely suspended Phil Robertson from filming the hit reality show ‘Duck Dynasty.’

Phil made comments in an interview with GQ calling homosexuality a sin and referencing scripture. His discussion was graphic and doesn’t win a lot of points for tact, but then again, if you watch the show, you know Phil Robertson doesn’t always beat around the bush.

Of course, when GLAAD and others read Phil’s comments, they immediately put in calls to A&E, who airs the show. A&E responded with a statement that read in part:

“[Phil’s] personal views in no way reflect those of A+E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely.”

Here’s the problem. Say what you will, but Phil Robertson was articulating his deeply-held religious convictions concerning sexual sin (if you read the interview, you know he doesn’t limit the discussion to homosexuality). A&E even says in its statement that these are Phil Robertson’s “personal views” and not those of the network. They could have left it at that; they could have simply said, “Phil believes what he believes; we disagree, but what he believes is his business.” Television networks do that all the time when stars say or do things that are controversial. Instead they fired him.
