Arkansas Lottery Has Spent $111,000+ on Mileage Reimbursements Since July

According to the state transparency website, the Arkansas Lottery has spent $111,995.74 reimbursing employees for mileage expenses since July 1, 2019.

Since 2018, the Arkansas Lottery has spent more than $200,000 on mileage each fiscal year.

For perspective, last year the Arkansas Department of Education spent about $62,000 on fuel and on mileage reimbursements for its employees — about one-third what the Lottery Office spent.

State employees — like those who work for the Arkansas Lottery — can be reimbursed for the mileage they drive in their personal vehicles on work-related trips.

For example, if a state employee drives his or her personal vehicle on a business trip from Little Rock to Fayetteville, the employee is eligible for reimbursement.

According to the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration’s website, the current reimbursement rate for mileage is 42 cents per mile.

That means an employee at the Arkansas Lottery would receive 42 cents for every mile he or she drives in a personal vehicle on a work-related road trip.

If that’s accurate, then $111,000 in mileage reimbursements would be enough money to cover 264,000 miles of travel.

The Department of Finance and Administration has a fleet of state vehicles. Why doesn’t the Office of the Arkansas Lottery use them for official travel?

The cost of fuel for a state vehicle would be about half the cost of reimbursing a state employee for driving his or her own car.

Or for that matter, why doesn’t the Arkansas Lottery purchase a couple of vehicles that employees can use for business trips? It would be cheaper in the long run than paying people to drive their personal vehicles on state business.

Click here to see a breakdown of Arkansas Lottery mileage reimbursements for FY 2020.

Photo Credit: Airtuna08 at English Wikipedia [CC BY (]

Arkansas Lottery Spends Over 4x as Much on Prizes as Scholarships

This week the Arkansas Lottery released its financial report for the month of January.

The report shows the Lottery took in nearly $41 million last month, but paid only $8.2 million to scholarships — about 20 cents of every dollar it made.

Overall, only about 15% the Arkansas Lottery’s revenue this fiscal year has gone to scholarships.

However, nearly 69% of lottery revenue goes to prizes — one of the highest prize budgets of any lottery in America.

Altogether, the Arkansas Lottery spends nearly 4.5 times more money on prizes than on scholarships.

As we have said time and time again: The Arkansas Lottery’s priorities are completely out of balance. Students ought to come first — not last.

Below is a breakdown of Arkansas Lottery scholarship spending so far this fiscal year.

Month Gross Lottery Revenue Paid to Scholarships % Gross Revenue
July $41,239,173.79 $4,523,930.75 11.0%
August 40,899,086.75 4,942,736.97 12.1%
September 36,202,677.79 6,565,973.32 18.1%
October 38,932,640.23 6,318,099.21 16.2%
November 36,118,641.12 5,947,177.45 16.5%
December 46,134,469.21 6,371,983.49 13.8%
January, 2020 40,802,067.75 8,239,083.77 20.2%
Total $280,328,756.64 $42,908,984.96 15.3%

Below is a breakdown of the Arkansas Lottery’s spending on prizes for the fiscal year.

Month Gross Lottery Revenue Prizes % Going to Prizes
July $41,239,173.79 $27,395,174.44 66.4%
August 40,899,086.75 27,981,278.90 68.4%
September 36,202,677.79 25,380,100.69 70.1%
October 38,932,640.23 26,836,578.14 68.9%
November 36,118,641.12 24,593,530.95 68.1%
December 46,134,469.21 32,772,295.09 71.0%
January, 2020 40,802,067.75 27,636,240.24 67.7%
Total $280,328,756.64 $192,595,198.45 68.7%