Report Finds 2/3 of States Fail to Meet Gambling Revenue Promises

An interesting article came out this week on gambling and the revenue projections touted by states–like Arkansas–who have legalized forms of gambling with the intention of helping the economy or generating government revenue.

According to the article,

“A Stateline analysis of 13 states that have legalized casinos, racetrack casinos, known as racinos, or lotteries in the past 10 years found that more than two-thirds of them failed to live up to the initial promises or projections made by political and industry champions of legalizing gambling.”


Director Woosley Outlines Lottery Goals

Reports John Lyon with Arkansas News Bureau: “The new director of Arkansas’ lottery said today he intends to keep a close watch on management and accounting practices, boost ticket sales and minimize costs — by, among other things, not hiring any vice presidents.” Click here to read more about the lottery’s new director, Bishop Woosley, and his states goals for the lottery moving forward.