Students, Know Your Rights as You Head Back to School

Students, as you head back to school, know your religious and free speech rights both in and out of the classroom.

Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense Fund) has assembled two web pages listing some infringements students have experienced. The web page for primary schools is here. The web page for higher education is here.

Also, check out the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).

Beebe Appoints First Openly Gay Member of State Board of Education

Jay Barth, a Hendrix College professor, will replace Dr. Ben Mays, a veterinarian from Clinton on the State Board of Education, according to a news release from Gov. Mike Beebe’s office Thursday.

“Dr. Barth is a tireless advocate for education, but also has the deliberative mind needed to tackle the wide range of important issues the Board of Education addresses,” governor’s spokesman Matt DeCample said in an email. “Gov. Beebe feels that Jay’s well-researched insight into Arkansas education will be a welcome addition to the board.”

The following are a few points about Dr. Barth: (more…)