Group Forms to Oppose Abortion, Marijuana, Education Amendments

On Friday the group Stronger Arkansas filed ballot question committee paperwork announcing it would work to disqualify and/or defeat the Arkansas Abortion Amendment, the marijuana amendment, and the Arkansas Educational Rights Amendment of 2024.

Arkansans for Limited Government is collecting petition signatures to place the Arkansas Abortion Amendment on the November ballot.

The amendment would write abortion into the state constitution, and it would prevent the Arkansas Legislature from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy — allowing thousands of elective abortions every year and paving the way for taxpayer-funded abortions in Arkansas.

Another group is circulating petitions to place a marijuana amendment on the ballot this November.

The amendment would change Arkansas’ medical marijuana law to enable recreational marijuana statewide. No longer would marijuana users need to suffer from a specific medical condition.

The amendment would drastically expand Arkansas’ laws to make it possible for people to grow and use marijuana at home. This would make it easier for people to use marijuana recreationally.

The amendment also would openly legalize marijuana in Arkansas if federal laws against marijuana are repealed.

The Arkansas Educational Rights Amendment of 2024 would change Arkansas’ constitution concerning education.

Among other things, the amendment would require private schools that receive public funding to be accredited like a public school. This could have significant ramifications for private schools that receive public funding under the state’s 2023 LEARNS Act.

A growing list of organizations in Arkansas oppose the abortion amendment.

Arkansas Right to Life and Family Council Action Committee both have launched campaigns to disqualify and defeat the abortion measure.

Choose Life Arkansas — which is made up of pro-life leaders from across the state — has also formed a campaign to defeat the amendment.

NWA Coalition for Life has filed a Statement of Organization last month announcing it is working against the abortion amendment. The group includes pro-life leaders from the Northwest Arkansas area.

On March 1 the Arkansas Committee For Ethics Policy filed paperwork with the State indicating it opposes the abortion amendment.

On March 6 the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock also filed a Statement of Organization announcing it opposes the amendment.

The groups circulating petitions for the abortion amendment, marijuana amendment, and education amendment have until July 5 to collect the nearly 91,000 petition signatures necessary to place their measures on the ballot.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Video Highlights What Abortion Amendment Would Do to Parental Consent Laws, Urges Arkansans to “Decline to Sign” Petition

Last week the NWA Coalition for Life released a reel on Instagram highlighting how the Arkansas Abortion Amendment threatens to nullify parental consent and parental notification laws.

Arkansans for Limited Government is collecting petition signatures to place the Arkansas Abortion Amendment on the November ballot.

The amendment would write abortion into the state constitution, and it would prevent the Arkansas Legislature from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy — allowing thousands of elective abortions every year and paving the way for taxpayer-funded abortions in Arkansas.

The video from NWA Coalition for Life is available below.

The Arkansas Abortion Amendment threatens to nullify routine health and safety standards for abortion. Without these laws, Arkansas could see dangerous, unrestricted abortions — putting women and unborn children in serious jeopardy.

You can download a copy of the amendment here.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Group Releases Video Asking Arkansans to “Be a Voice for the Voiceless,” “Decline to Sign” Abortion Petition

Reach Church and NWA Coalition for Life recently released a statement and video urging Arkansans to “be a voice for the voiceless” by declining to sign petitions for the abortion amendment.

Arkansans for Limited Government is collecting petition signatures to place the Arkansas Abortion Amendment on the November ballot.

The amendment would write abortion into the state constitution, and it would prevent the Arkansas Legislature from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy — allowing thousands of elective abortions every year and paving the way for taxpayer-funded abortions in Arkansas.

In a statement posted alongside a video on social media, Reach Church and NWA Coalition for Life said,

What you need to know about what’s on the Abortion Amendment⛔️

-It would permanently change the Arkansas constitution to allow abortion without restrictions through 18 weeks of fertilization (which is 20 weeks pregnant).

-Abortions would be legal up to birth in certain circumstances.

-Minors will not have to have parental consent to get an abortion.

-If passed, the Abortion Amendment would be a part of our constitution, and legislation cannot overturn it.

Here’s what you can do to help:

-Share this video
A lot of people are being fed misinformation from these originations. The more truth we share, the more informed everyone is.

-Decline to sign
Refuse to sign the petition to add the Abortion Amendment to the November ballot, and encourage your family and friends to do the same.

The video is available below.

The Arkansas Abortion Amendment threatens to nullify common sense health and safety laws that restrict abortion. Without these laws, Arkansas could see dangerous, unrestricted abortions — putting women and unborn children in serious jeopardy.

You can download a copy of the amendment here.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.