Arkansas House of Representatives Makes Pro-Life History

A Note From the Desk of Family Council President Jerry Cox

On Thursday the Arkansas House of Representatives made history by passing three pro-life bills in the same afternoon. Not many years ago, we had to work very hard just to find a legislator who would introduce a pro-life bill. Over the years, Arkansas has become the fourth most pro-life state in the nation with Democrats controlling both houses of the legislature. Today, Republicans are in the majority and we’re enjoying great bi-partisan success on this issue.


NY Hospital Ends Forced Abortion-Participation Policy

Nurses at New York’s Mt. Sinai Hospital will no longer be forced to participate in abortions if doing so violates their convictions.

This change in policy follows a request from Alliance Defending Freedom submitted to HHS Office of Civil Rights on behalf of a Mt. Sinai nurse and a lawsuit filed against the hospital. In 2009, nurse Cathy Cenzon-DeCarlo was forced to participate in an abortion despite her religious objections to the procedure.

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