Photos from Decision America Tour with Franklin Graham

Today approximately 5,100 Arkansans gathered with Rev. Franklin Graham on the steps of the Arkansas Capitol Building to pray for America.

Below are a few photos from the prayer meeting.

See Franklin Graham in Little Rock on April 12

Franklin Graham–son of Billy Graham–is coming to Little Rock this April, and you are invited to hear and pray with him.

Graham has launched a state-by-state tour called the Decision America Tour. The goal is to hold meetings in each state to pray for our nation.

We are helping the team at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association invite people to attend the prayer rally in Little Rock this April. I hope you and your church will plan on attending the rally and help us get the word out to your friends and neighbors.

Franklin Graham and his team will be at the Arkansas Capitol Building in Little Rock to pray for America at 12:00 PM on Tuesday, April 12. You can find additional details here.

If you are a leader in your church, we have special resources you can use to promote this prayer rally in your congregation.

You can download and print copies of a special insert to place in your church bulletins. Simply click here to download.

You can download and print copies of a special poster promoting the event. Simply click here to download.

You also can download promotional videos to share in your church or Sunday school class:
Click here to download the 15-second video.
Click here to download the 30-second video.
Click here to download the 93-second video.

Ronald Reagan once said that if we ever forget we are one nation under God, we will be a nation gone under. These prayer rallies are an excellent opportunity to pause to pray that God will bless and restore our nation. I hope you will commit to pray for America–and I hope you will be able to join us in Little Rock on April 12.

Please promote this upcoming meeting as much as possible in your church–and let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything we can do for you.

Arkansas Lottery Gives Paltry 11% of Revenue to Scholarships in February

Yesterday the Arkansas Lottery posted its financial figures for the month of February.

The Arkansas Lottery took in nearly $40.8 million in February, but paid out a paltry $4.5 million for scholarships–about 11% of its gross revenue for the month.

This is the same, old story we have seen month after month at the Arkansas Lottery: No matter what lottery ticket sales do, scholarship funding takes a backseat.

Even in January, when PowerBall sales went through the roof, college scholarships did not see even 24 cents of every dollar the Arkansas Lottery made.

Below is a breakdown of lottery figures since the start of Fiscal Year 2016 last July:

Month Gross Lottery Revenue Paid to Scholarships % Gross Revenue
July $ 31,665,651.14 $ 5,784,683.09 18.3%
August 31,265,177.55 5,490,094.00 17.6%
September 36,134,389.63 6,624,967.11 18.3%
October 35,261,533.80 6,020,642.32 17.1%
November 32,226,599.28 5,725,139.09 17.8%
December 38,670,746.09 6,425,754.66 16.6%
January, 2016 58,746,249.00 13,831,359.75 23.5%
February 40,790,144.05 4,474,356.06 11.0%
Total $ 304,760,490.54 $ 54,376,996.08 17.8%

As you can see, the Arkansas Lottery has allocated less than 18% of its total revenue for scholarships this fiscal year. Based on these numbers, the Arkansas Lottery is on track to pay out somewhere around $80 – $85 million for scholarships in Fiscal Year 2016.

Below is a breakdown of Arkansas Lottery figures since July of 2014:

Month Gross Lottery Revenue Paid to Scholarships % Gross Revenue
July, 2014 $ 30,925,067.43 $ 5,928,447.99 19.2%
August 31,571,412.10 5,296,965.80 16.8%
September 30,710,493.31 4,317,227.10 14.1%
October 32,959,739.29 5,939,625.59 18.0%
November 30,617,278.28 5,577,035.16 18.2%
December 34,507,731.54 5,474,318.77 15.9%
January, 2015 35,433,619.67 7,287,773.28 20.6%
February 41,770,314.46 6,161,343.01 14.8%
March 37,367,453.25 6,898,524.35 18.5%
April 33,866,970.54 5,881,005.95 17.4%
May 35,689,036.10 5,409,050.48 15.2%
June 33,815,559.59 8,278,928.14 24.5%
July 31,665,651.14 5,784,683.09 18.3%
August 31,265,177.55 5,490,094.00 17.6%
September 36,134,389.63 6,624,967.11 18.3%
October 35,261,533.80 6,020,642.32 17.1%
November 32,226,599.28 5,725,139.09 17.8%
December 38,670,746.09 6,425,754.66 16.6%
January, 2016 58,746,249.00 13,831,359.75 23.5%
February 40,790,144.05 4,474,356.06 11.0%
Total $ 713,995,166.10 $ 126,827,241.70 17.8%