U.S. Senator Introduces Bill to Spy Out “Hate Speech”

The American Family Association has issued a statement about a piece of legislation rolled out last month by Democratic Senator Edward Markey.

From AFA:

May 1, 2014

Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) has introduced legislation for the federal government to monitor and analyze speech on the Internet, television, and radio looking for anything it considers “hate speech.”

The Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014 (S.2219) would capture Internet and other telecommunications that the government interprets as encouraging hate crimes based on gender, race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

This is a bad bill, even to the liberal Boston Herald editorial staffIt mandates that the government monitor and analyze speech and press statements that are protected by the First Amendment. The wording is deliberately fuzzy, so that although it sounds like it only addresses constitutionally unprotected speech, it reaches much further.


Chick-fil-A Trading Integrity for Profitability

Recently, Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy told an interviewer he regrets his company’s pro-marriage stance it took two years ago.

Calling the decision to support traditional marriage “a mistake,” Cathy indicated Chick-fil-A’s priority going forward would be courting a new generation of consumers–one who, if you read between the lines, he must feel supports same-sex marriage.

In a move that’s sure to offend both sides, Cathy said that while his personal views on same-sex marriage have not changed, he does not intend to take a public stance on the issue. To put it another way, gay activists who have been boycotting Chick-fil-A have every reason to continue doing so, and conservatives who celebrated Chick-fil-A for their courageous stance for traditional marriage may decide they would just as soon take their business to Popeyes or KFC.

This back-peddling from Mr. Cathy is incredibly disappointing, and it betrays a failure to grasp the significance of Chick-fil-A’s actions these past few years.


God’s Not Dead

How far would you go to defend your belief in God? That’s the question at the forefront of the March 21st release of God’s Not Dead, a movie about an embattled Christian student, Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper), who faces a failing grade from his philosophy professor, Professor Radisson (Kevin Sorbo).

If Josh is not able to present well-researched, intellectual arguments and evidence over the course of the semester establishing God’s existence, Josh’s lofty academic goals could be hindered. Endorsed by groups like American Family Association and Alliance Defending Freedom and well-respected individuals like Pastor John Hagee as well as professional athletes, authors, and many others, this is a film that should take moviegoers on a ride of conviction, leaving them to ask the same question to themselves.

Click here for more details and to watch the trailer.

Click here for a list of Arkansas movie theaters showing God’s Not Dead.