In Arizona, Which Side is “Intolerant”?

By now, you are probably aware of the controversial SB 1062 proposed recently by Arizona lawmakers and vetoed by Gov. Jan Brewer last Wednesday night.

The bill, which made national news across the country, would have “made certain that governmental laws cannot force people to violate their faith unless it has a compelling governmental interest—a balancing of interests that has been in federal law since 1993,” according to Cathi Herrod, President of Center for Arizona Policy, a supporter of the bill.

The bill, however, drew strong reactions from gay activists. In the words of Alliance Defending Freedom, they “egregiously misrepresented” SB1062 to the point that, as Cathi Herrod summed it up, Governor Brewer ultimately vetoed “a bill that does not even exist.” The bill she and others claimed she was vetoing was nothing, in reality, like the proposed law.

SB1062 was about protecting religious freedom from being compromised—not about allowing restaurants to deny service to gay people.

Gay activists often accuse groups like ours or the Center for Arizona Policy of being “hateful” and “intolerant.” But look at what Citizens for a Better Arizona did Wednesday, placing red tape over Center for Arizona Policy’s doors as if the place were out of business. They also attempted to swarm the office, protesting outside its doors and demanding Cathi Herrod come out and apologize for her group’s work. Some are even calling Cathi “a legislative terrorist.”

Does that sound at all like tolerance?

Click here for more info.

You Are Invited to ‘A Night to Honor Israel’

You are cordially invited to “A Night to Honor Israel” on Sunday, March 23, at 6:00pm at Agape Church in Little Rock.

“A Night to Honor Israel” is sponsored by Christians United for Israel (CUFI), founded by Pastor John Hagee. It is an event that has a proven track record of bringing Christians and Jews together to promote a genuine, brotherly love and providing an environment where Christians will come together to show solidarity for Israel and the Jewish people.

U.S. Senator John Boozman, Congressman Tim Griffin, and Ambassador Meir Shlomo are among the featured speakers. Several other elected officials have been invited and will attend.

Agape Church is located at 701 Napa Valley Drive in Little Rock. We look forward to seeing you there. For more information contact: Akaya Lee at (501) 225-0612 or email

Arkansas Mom Sues the Government

The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Deborah Beuerman.

Robert Longley reports the Obama administration apparently does not support a woman-owned business that helps financially-struggling parents buy children’s clothing at affordable prices.

Rhea Lana Riner of Conway founded her children’s clothing consignment sale business, Rhea Lana’s, Inc, to enable parents and other family members sell children’s clothing to other families.

“At Rhea Lana’s sales, people selling items on consignment were offered the option to volunteer to assist at the event in return for a chance to shop before the sale opens to the public. During the sales, the volunteers performed general tasks such as greeting shoppers, picking up fallen price tags, reorganizing items that shoppers have handled, and assisting shoppers with carrying items to their vehicles.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) says that is against the law and banned Rhea Lana’s from allowing volunteers to assist at its sales. The DOL says the volunteers were actually Rhea Lana’s “employees” under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and as such should have been paid and are now entitled to back pay in accordance with FLSA minimum wage provisions.
