The Problem is not Our Laws

Last week, a terrible tragedy happened. More than a dozen people were senselessly gunned down in a Colorado movie theater by an armed assailant.

This is truly a tragic event, and I wish we could leave it as that: A tragedy—not something political that one side or another uses to further an agenda. But I am bothered by the mix of reactions I see. Look online at Twitter, Facebook, the blogosphere, and elsewhere, and you will see the automatic response of many is that there must be something wrong with our laws that has led to this. Either we do not have enough gun laws to stop men like this one; or we have too many, thereby preventing moviegoers from being adequately armed to protect themselves; or we inadequately evaluate the mental health of Americans; or we have focused too much attention on preventing foreign terrorism instead of preventing crime here at home.

I find all of these responses, frankly, shortsighted.
