200 Gather, Pray that NYC Churches Will Not Face Eviction

Some two hundred people gathered Monday night at Calvary Baptist Church in New York City. Their purpose? To pray that local area churches will not be evicted by the city as a result of a new policy.

As we’ve said before, in places like New York, where real estate is both scarce and expensive, churches often obtain permits to hold meetings in schools outside of school hours. Almost any private group can do this under New York City’s rules and regs. However, the city has instituted a new policy that specifically bars religious groups from meeting in school buildings. As a result, as many as 160 churches (last we heard) could be without a meeting place by this time next month.

Read the entire news story here.

Inspiring Tebow Voted Favorite Athlete in the Nation

According to an ESPN poll, Denver Broncos quarterback, Tim Tebow, has been voted America’s favorite athlete. You can read more about it at the link I just provided, but I’m most interested in how this flies in the face of how the media has generally treated Tebow—as an athlete more scorned than admired, particularly for being so outspoken about his faith. It appears that Americans are seeing through this false narrative and finding a lot to appreciate about him. I think a column published by The American Spectator this morning says it all, “Thank you, God, for Tim Tebow”. It’s a must-read, and you can check it out by clicking here.

Public Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage

The Witherspoon Institute published an interesting article on its Public Discourse website assessing where Americans stand on the issue of same-sex marriage.

The article found that Millennials (ages 18 – 29) are roughly twice as likely to support same-sex marriage as senior citizens (ages 65 and older). However, if the Millennial attends a Bible-believing, evangelical church, their likelihood of supporting same-sex marriage drops to a level almost equal to senior citizens.

The article also had some interesting findings on whether or not opposing same-sex marriage can be equated with being “anti-gay.”

Read the article here.