Schools Experience Consequences of Redefinition of Marriage

“When talking about the consequences of redefining marriage, we rightly focus upon the impact on churches—pastors being forced to perform same-sex ‘marriage’ ceremonies, and churches at risk of losing tax exemptions for preaching against homosexual behavior. But the consequences are not limited to the four corners of the church. Redefining marriage will impact numerous aspects of our culture–notably, our children’s education.”

Read more here.

Federal Court Rejects Challenge to Nevada’s Definition of Marriage

A federal court has ruled that Nevada’s marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman is not a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Among other things, the court’s opinion stated, “Because the family is the basic societal unit, the State could have validly reasoned that the consequences of altering the traditional definition of civil marriage could be severe.”

Read more here.