Group Announces Plan to Legalize Same-Sex “Marriage” in Arkansas

A group has announced plans to legalize same-sex marriage in Arkansas.

The group Arkansans for Equality says it plans to launch a petition drive to overturn Arkansas’ marriage amendment. According to its website, the group also wants to legalize same-sex marriage in Arkansas.

Arkansas’ marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman passed with 75% of the vote in 2004. You can watch for Jerry on KARK channel 4 news tonight to discuss this story.

Faith Writer Asks Why Polygamy is Problematic

A faith writer at the Washington Post asked in a recent column why polygamy should not be legalized.

The argument hinges on same-sex marriage: If marriage can be defined as something other than the union of one man and one woman, why shouldn’t polygamy be allowed also?

We have talked about this issue before: If you want to redefine marriage to include same-sex marriages, there really is nothing standing in the way of polygamy or any number of other variations of “marriage.”

Read more here.