Gay Activists Launch “National Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick Fil A”

To protest Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy’s support of traditional marriage, gay activists have launched an effort through Facebook called “National Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick Fil A,” which will take place on August 3rd. Right now, the event has 1,217 official participants. In stark contrast, Mike Huckabee is spearheading the “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” on August 1st to thank Cathy for his courageous stand and to reward the company for upholding Christian principles. Huckabee’s event currently has over 50,000 official participants, according to the Facebook page.

Like we said last week, we applaud Dan Cathy for standing up for marriage. We encourage you to eat Chick-fil-A on August 1st!

Pastor Voddie Baucham: Gay Is Not the New Black

“… while it’s difficult to watch a coordinated, well-funded, well-connected propaganda strategy undermine thousands of years of human history, it’s especially disconcerting to witness the use of the civil rights struggle as the vehicle for the strategy,” writes Pastor Voddie Baucham. He goes on to say that some “would have us believe that the homosexual struggle for a redefinition of marriage puts them in the same category as my ancestors. However, they would rather you didn’t take a closer look, lest you see how flimsy the comparison turns out to be.” Click here to read Pastor Baucham’s entire column.