Arkansas Southern Baptist State Convention Leader Opposes Issue 4

The following is a press release from Family Council Action Committee.

Friday, October 14, 2022

LITTLE ROCK, ARK. – On Friday, Executive Director of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention Dr. Sonny
Tucker released a statement opposing Issue 4, the constitutional amendment to legalize marijuana in

“As followers of Christ, we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves,” Dr. Tucker said. “Legalizing marijuana does not show love to our neighbors. Drug abuse hurts families and robs people of their God-
given potential. Over the past ten years we have seen those problems worsen in states that have legalized marijuana. All of us know someone who has been devastated by drug use. Issue 4 would devastate many communities in Arkansas.”

Family Council Action Committee Executive Director Jerry Cox echoed Dr. Tucker’s words, saying, “Southern Baptist ministries in Arkansas have worked for decades to help people overcome addiction and substance abuse. Issue 4 undermines those addiction recovery programs. Some people will tell you that marijuana isn’t any more harmful than alcohol. That might have been true ten or twelve years ago, but it doesn’t seem to be true any more. High potency marijuana is the norm in states like Colorado and California, and Issue 4 legalizes THC extracts that are even more potent than a typical marijuana plant. Those drugs will hurt a lot of people. That’s just another reason why Arkansans should vote against Issue 4 this November.”


Editorial Board at Arkansas’ Largest Newspaper Opposes Marijuana Issue 4

On Monday the editorial board at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette released an editorial against Issue 4, the marijuana amendment.

The editorial posed a straightforward question: Will marijuana fix what’s wrong in Arkansas? The answer, the editors argued, is No.

Among other things, the editors noted that Little Rock is experiencing a crime wave, ACT scores in Arkansas have fallen, and children aren’t reading at grade level. “Will legalizing marijuana fix that?” the editors ask.

After addressing several arguments in favor of marijuana legalization, the editorial concludes, “Will marijuana fix what’s wrong in Arkansas? If your answer is no, then please vote that way on Nov. 8.”

Read The Editorial Here.

Pro-Marijuana Group Refuses to Stop Using Ads Featuring LRPD Officers Despite Letter From City Attorney

Responsible Growth Arkansas — the group behind marijuana Issue 4 — has refused to stop using a set of advertisements that feature footage of Little Rock Police Department officers.

Little Rock City Attorney Tom Carpenter recently sent Responsible Growth Arkansas a cease and desist letter asking the group to stop using the ads, because the ads included footage of LRPD officers without the department’s knowledge or consent.

An attorney for Responsible Growth Arkansas reportedly told the city “we see no legal basis for the demand that RGA [Responsible Growth Arkansas] cease and desist from further use of this video.”

Watch this video to learn more.