Video: Pro-Gambling Group Spends Over $280K on Ballot Measure

A pro-gambling group has spent over $280,000 to bring casino-style gambling machines to Arkansas under the state’s lottery.

Watch this video to learn more.

Video: Is Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Just Like Opposing Interracial Marriage?

Is opposing same-sex marriage no different from opposing interracial marriage?

That’s the question that our friends at the Colson Center tackle in this week’s installment of their “What Would You Say?” video series.

Check out the video below.

Video: A.G.’s From Out of State File Pro-Abortion Amicus Brief Against Arkansas

A coalition of Attorneys General from out-of-state have filed an amicus brief asking the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals to block two good, pro-life laws in Arkansas.

Watch this video to learn more.