Video: Facebook Canceled Our Ad Account

On Tuesday Facebook disabled Family Council’s advertising account without warning and with little explanation. Without the ability to advertise, it could be harder for us to get our content out to our friends on social media across Arkansas.

We are pushing to have the ad account re-activated.

Watch this video to learn more.

Video: Lawsuit Highlights Graphic Sexual Material in Children’s Library

A recent lawsuit alleges that several books in the children’s section of the Jonesboro Public Library contain nudity, sexual conduct, and graphic images of various sexual acts. Graphic sexual material is harmful to children and has no place in a children’s library.

Watch this video to learn more.

Video: City of Russellville Passes Pro-Life Resolution, Affirms It Is A Sanctuary for the Unborn

The City of Russellville recently passed a resolution affirming that it is a Pro-Life City.

Watch this video to learn more.