Group: Arkansas Ranks Near Bottom in Human Trafficking Laws

“State Rep. David Meeks, R-Conway, said it was ‘disheartening’ to see Arkansas among the lowest-ranked states in the report, but he said it ‘just shows that we still have work that we have to do.'” Click here to read more.

Poll: 61% of Americans Back Chick Fil-A, 77% Will Not Boycott

A recent poll by Rasmussen on the strong support for Chick-fil-A is the focus on this piece from Red Alert Politics. Not surprisingly, support for Chick-fil-A is strong. Dan Cathy’s comments in support of traditional marriage did not have the negative effect that gay activists were hoping for.

Economic Freedom: A Moral Imperative For Arkansas

Nic Horton over at The Arkansas Project has some thoughts about his recent trip to Washington, DC. There, he took part in a program that focused on the subject of economic freedom. Horton’s conclusion: We need economic freedom in Arkansas. Click here to read more.

The Road to Repeal of Obamacare Starts in the States

Writing for, Michael F. Cannon with the Cato Institute says that “A critical mass of states could literally force Congress to repeal the Obama health law.”

American Cancer Society Claims Planned Parenthood Delivers Babies

Pro-life activist and former Planned Parenthood employee, Abby Johnson, recently received a donation request from the American Cancer Society (ACS). She responded to the request with a note about why she wasn’t going to donate to the group. She cited the fact that ACS has given to Planned Parenthood and refuses to acknowledge the link between abortion and breast cancer. The ACS responded to to her, making a wild claim. Click here to read about it via