BREAKING: U.S. Court of Appeals Rules DOMA Unconstitutional

In breaking news from the Associated Press, the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston has ruled that the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act signed into law by President Bill Clinton is unconstitutional. This is unfortunate news considering that the case for DOMA’s constitutionality is strong.

Sex-Selection Abortion in the United States

Breanne Howe over at RedState discusses sex-selection abortion, a current federal bill seeking to ban the practice, and more Planned Parenthood cover-ups. Her short column is a must-read, and you can check it out here.

Profanity Free Television

Our friends at Focus on the Family have introduced a tool that families can use to fight profanity on television. It’s called TVGuardian, and it’s an electronic box that mutes profanity on movies and television. Click here to learn more about TVGuardian and see a special offer.

Chuck Colson Offers Opinions on Why Liberals and Conservatives Differ

FRC Responds to Obama’s Endorsement for Redefining Marriage