Early Primary Voting Starts Next Tuesday

The May 22 Arkansas primary is coming in a few weeks, but you can start voting early next Tuesday, May 8.

Before you vote, make sure you check out the Arkansas Voter’s Guide at ArkansasVotersGuide.com. There, you’ll find non-partisan information on Democratic and Republican candidates with primary races. The voter’s guide features races for the Arkansas Legislature and U.S. Congress.

There’s also still time to order print copies of the voter’s guide by calling 501-375-7000.

Additionally, if you want to access our voter’s guide on the go and you have an Android phone, just search for “Arkansas Voter’s Guide” in the app marketplace (now called Google Play) to download our free Android app.

Updated: Pepsi Dumps Biotech Firm That Uses Aborted Fetal Cells

In early March, we took part in breaking the news that Pepsi was contracted with Senomyx, a biotech company that uses fetal remains from an aborted baby to test food flavors. It’s a complicated issue, but you can read more about it here and here.

In short, however, Pepsi has decided that it will “no longer contract” with the firm, according to LifeNews.com. This is great news for millions of pro-life Americans, not to mention the thousands who contacted the food and beverage giant asking them to end their contract with Senomyx.

Update: Pepsi has not officially “dumped” Senomyx, but has altered its contract with the company to insure no cell lines derived from HEK 293 or any other fetal remains are used in flavor testing. PepsiCo VP of Global Public Policy, Paul Boykas, stated that, “We took the matter very seriously…We have an official Statement on Responsible Research and we intend to live by that policy.”

For many pro-lifers, this marks the end of a boycott of PepsiCo products.

We applaud Pepsi for making the right decision. There is absolutely no moral justification for the use of aborted fetal remains for food and beverage taste-testing. We encourage pro-life citizens to contact Pepsi and thank them. Write, call, or email the company using the contact information below.

Jamie Caulfield, Sr. VP
PepsiCo, Inc.
700 Anderson Hill Road
Purchase, NY 10577
(914) 253-2000
Email form: http://cr.pepsi.com/usen/pepsiusen.cfm?time=5189878