Economic Threats Loom from Falling Birthrates, Abortion

Abortion ends the life of a baby, and over time the effects of abortion manifest in a number of ways in our world, including the lack of women in some countries due to sex-selective abortions. Now Serbia and South Africa face economic problems because of falling birthrates and abortion.

You can read more about the abortion pandemic in Serbia here.

You can read more about the threat posed to South Africa’s economy here.

Courts Dictate Number of Times ‘Jesus’ May Be Said in Public Prayer

Legislative bodies routinely open their meetings with an invocation. At the Capitol, it’s common for legislators to invite ministers from back home to do so for the House and Senate chambers. But what happens if the pastor mentions “Jesus” more than once or twice during the prayer? What happens if he or she thanks God for the resurrection or asks for forgiveness of sins? In some parts of the country, at least, those prayers could be banned.
