News Articles Show Arkansas Lottery Played by the Poor

Two news articles came out over the weekend showing that Arkansas’ lottery is played heavily in our poorest counties and communities.

The first is an article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette by Michael Wickline. You can read it here (account required).

The second is an article from the Associated Press. It provides a synopsis of some of the information found in the Democrat-Gazette article. You can read it for free here.

These articles look at financial data from the Arkansas Lottery, including counties where ticket sales were the highest. We will try to provide a more in-depth analysis of these articles in the near future.

The World is Shrinking

The following is a guest post from Adrianne Redding. Adrianne is currently studying Political Science at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas.

They say that no man is an island. For that matter, in this day and age, no country is an island either. Globalization tends to divide conservatives and liberals from one another. As a political conservative myself, I used to think that any degree of globalization had to mean giving up our national sovereignty or of bowing to the United Nations or another international governmental organization. But I have learned that globalization, or at least a strong global awareness, can be much simpler, much more beneficial to everyone than the extreme picture I previously had in my mind.
