12,000 Arkansas Voter’s Guides Ordered This Week Alone!

Since Monday morning, we have processed orders for roughly 12,000 copies of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide–and more orders are still rolling in every hour.

We’ve already distributed 50,000 copies of the guide, and we are well on our way toward distributing another 50,000 by the time early voting begins later this month.

If you have not already ordered your printed copies of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide, don’t wait! We are getting requests for thousands of guides every day. Place your order today by going to www.ArkansasVotersGuide.com or calling our office at (501) 375-7000.

If you live in central Arkansas, feel free to drop by our office between 8 AM and 5 PM to pick up guides for yourself, your family, your friends, or your church; just call ahead of time so we can give you directions and have your guides waiting for you when you get here.

We still have thousands of free, printed copies of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide sitting in our office, but they won’t be here long. Order yours today!

The Unseen Pain Behind Same-Sex Marriage

Last week we shared a commentary by John Stonestreet at the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview articulating why Christianity is wedded to traditional marriage. This week, Stonestreet has released a commentary on the painful consequences of same-sex marriage.

Stonestreet writes,

Seven years ago, [Janna] Darnelle’s husband of ten years told her that he was gay and that he wanted a divorce. As she wrote in The Public Discourse, “In an instant, the world that I had known and loved—the life we had built together—was shattered.”

She tried to persuade him to stay, and work through their problems and fight for their marriage. But, as she writes, “my voice, my desires, my needs—and those of our two young children—no longer mattered to him. We had become disposable, because he had embraced one tiny word that had become his entire identity. Being gay trumped commitment, vows, responsibility, faith, fatherhood, marriage, friendships, and community.” …

USA Today, in its cheerleading for same-sex marriage, ran a photo section on her ex-husband, his partner, and her children without her consent or even notice to her. Darnelle wrote, “Commenters exclaimed at how beautiful this gay family was and congratulated my ex-husband and his new partner on the family that they ‘created’ . . .,” even though, she continued, “there is a significant person missing from those pictures: the mother and abandoned wife. That ‘gay family’ could not exist without me.”

Darnelle’s story, sadly, is not unique. Stonestreet discusses the series of cultural shifts that have brought us to this point–and the pain they have left in their wake.

Listen to his full commentary below.

[audio:http://bit.ly/1qVttEY|titles=John Stonestreet – The Unseen Pain Behind Gay Marriage]