Arkansas House Passes Home School Resolution

Rep. Cooper presents H.R. 1021 in the House of Representatives.

On Tuesday the Arkansas House of Representatives passed H.R. 1021 by Rep. Cameron Cooper (R – Romance) celebrating 35 years of home schooling in Arkansas.

The resolution highlights the benefits of home schooling as well as the way home schooling gives parents flexibility in educating their children.

H.R. 1021 passed easily on a voice vote while home schoolers from White County watched from the gallery above the House Chambers.

Home schooling has been legal in Arkansas since 1985, when former Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton signed the state’s first home school legislation into law.

Home schooling has come a long way in the past 35 years, and home schoolers are leaving a legacy in our state.

Men and women who were home schooled as children are making a difference in Arkansas. They own businesses and are leaders in their communities.

Home schooling is great for the State of Arkansas. It’s good to see lawmakers recognize that fact by passing H.R. 1021.

You can read H.R. 1021 here.