Why Arkansas Needs The Religious Freedom Restoration Act

SB1119, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) affirms the traditional interpretation of “free exercise of religion” under the U.S. Constitution and the Arkansas Constitution. It provides legal recourse for individuals whose religious freedoms are infringed and prescribes penalties for filing frivolous or fraudulent lawsuits. (more…)

Americans United for Life: HHS Releases Phony Compromise

Americans United for Life has released an analysis of the Department of Health and Human Services latest “compromise” on its contraceptive mandate.

In short, the compromise does little or nothing.

The Obama Administration has not substantively altered its assault on the First Amendment’s Freedom of Conscience.  Friday’s notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) reiterates the Administration’s commitment to what is often referred to as the “HHS mandate”– its coercive policy of forcing coverage for life-ending drugs and devices.

In some significant ways, the Obama Administration’s NRPM is even narrower than the protections it had previously entertained as a possibility in its March 2012 Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM).

Read more here.

Attorney Advises Churches to Define Marriage in Bylaws

With the possibility courts or lawmakers nationwide might try to redefine “marriage” to mean something other than the union of one man to one woman, one attorney is advising churches to go ahead and define marriage in their bylaws to avoid litigation that might result from future court decisions.

Bylaw language defining marriage in the biblical sense doesn’t mean a church won’t face a suit or a complaint, but it does mean the church would be in a much better situation legally, said Erik Stanley, senior legal counsel for ADF.

Read more here.