An Overview of the 2013 Arkansas Legislative Session: Part 3

In part one of our overview of the 2013 Arkansas legislative session, we posted a brief explanation detailing much of the overall activity at the legislature. Then, yesterday, we published our new e-book that discusses Family Council’s wins and losses this session. One loss that we didn’t highlight in the book was our hard fight against SJR16. We wanted to give this particular subject its own blog post. You can read our story about SJR16 below.

SJR 16, sponsored in the 2013 Arkansas Legislative Session by Sen. Bill Sample (R-Hot Springs) and Rep. John Vines (D-Hot Springs), is a proposed amendment to the Arkansas Constitution. Every legislative session the Arkansas Legislature can refer a maximum of three measures to a vote of the people at the next general election. They chose to refer SJR 16 which, if passed, will make it more difficult for citizens to circulate petitions and place measures on the ballot. This proposed State Constitutional Amendment will appear on the ballot statewide in November 2014.


An Overview of the 2013 Arkansas Legislative Session: Part 2

Yesterday, we posted a brief overview of the legislative session as a whole. Today we’d like to go into further detail about how our issues fared, and to accomplish this we’ve published a free e-book in PDF for you to download. This e-book covers a vast majority of our activity during the session. Click here to check it out!

Tomorrow in part three of our series, we’ll highlight our legislative battle against SJR16—a constitutional amendment that the Arkansas Legislature referred to the 2014 general election ballot.