3/4 of Teens in CO Drug Abuse Programs Used Someone Else’s Marijuana

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry last April found 74% of teens surveyed in two Colorado substance abuse facilities had used “medical” marijuana intended for someone else.

The study surveyed 164 teens ages 14-18. Of these teens, 122 admitted to using “medical” marijuana; only 1 was legally qualified to do so.

The study also found “adolescents who used medical marijuana had an earlier age of regular marijuana use, more marijuana abuse and dependence symptoms, and more conduct disorder symptoms compared with those who did not use medical marijuana.”

The study concluded, “Medical marijuana use among adolescent patients in substance abuse treatment is very common, implying substantial diversion from registered users.”

These findings confirm concerns expressed by law enforcement in other states that “medical” marijuana simply contributes to illegal drug use, drug addiction, and criminal activity.

Read the entire study here.

Busting The Myth Marijuana is Harmless

A popular, spurious claim circulates on the Internet that not a single person has ever died as a result of marijuana, and therefore marijuana should not be a regulated drug.

The statement itself is misleading, as most of the time those offering it actually mean, “It has never been documented that a person died as the result of a marijuana overdose.” However, credible scientific evidence coupled with information gathered by the Food and Drug Administration and others begs to differ.

FDA: Marijuana Linked to Nearly 300 Deaths


Proof Marijuana Law Allows Outdoor Cultivation

The other day I went on the radio to debate the issue of “medical” marijuana. At one point during our conversation, marijuana proponents claimed that the law proposed here in Arkansas requires all marijuana to be grown indoors. We checked and found it only requires the marijuana to be “enclosed” and “locked.” As I’ve said before, a cattle pasture is enclosed and locked, but it is by no means “indoors.”

Today, in looking over information from Maine, we have found proof that Arkansas’ marijuana proposal would allow users to grow their marijuana outdoors–such as in their backyard.
