Good Home School Bill Needs Support

Please contact your State Representative, and ask him or her to vote for SB578. This good bill ensures that home schooled students will be able to compete for the Governor’s Distinguished Scholar scholarship. Current law makes it almost impossible for home schooled students to receive this prestigious scholarship.

This bill is scheduled for a vote in the Arkansas House on Thursday afternoon. Please call and leave a message for your representative at (501) 682-6211.

Bill Prohibiting Lottery Ticket Vending Machines Needs Your Support

SB867 by Senator Madison would prohibit lottery ticket vending machines in Arkansas. It has already passed the Arkansas Senate, and is on its way to the House Rules Committee. The committee could vote on it as early as tomorrow. If it passes, it will go to the entire House of Representatives for a vote.

This is a good bill, and it needs a lot of support from Arkansans. Please call your representative, and ask him or her to support SB867 if and when it comes up for a vote. You can leave a message for your representative at the Capitol by calling (501) 682-6211.