Marijuana and Glaucoma: Does it Do Anything?

Issue 5 on the November ballot purports to be about providing medical marijuana to sick and dying patients. We have discussed at length how the list of qualifying medical conditions is written so broadly that just about anyone who wants to use marijuana may qualify to do so. However, one of the more specific qualifying medical conditions may not actually be treatable by marijuana, according to medical professionals: Glaucoma.

In its official position statement on marijuana, the American Glaucoma Society acknowledges that studies show a correlation between marijuana use and decrease in intraocular pressure (IOP)–a risk factor for glaucoma and a cause of damage for patients suffering from glaucoma.

However, those studies also found that while marijuana use may decrease IOP, it must be consumed at a level that renders it virtually impractical as a treatment.

Research indicates that marijuana’s effects as glaucoma treatment are short-lived, lasting no more than 3-4 hours. According to the AGS, glaucoma patients self-medicating with marijuana would be forced to consume marijuana every 3 hours–24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the middle of the night; in the middle of a day at work; it would not matter. For marijuana to be an effective treatment it would have to be consumed upwards of 8 times a day.

The American Glaucoma Society’s answer is simple:

“Although marijuana can lower the intraocular pressure (IOP), its side effects and short duration of action, coupled with a lack of evidence that its use alters the course of glaucoma, preclude recommending this drug in any form for the treatment of glaucoma at the present time.”

The Glaucoma Foundation, a separate group, voiced concerns in 2010 that marijuana’s reduction in blood pressure could actually damage the optic nerve. This drop in blood pressure, incidentally, has also been cited as a cause of stroke among marijuana users.

If marijuana proponents were actually concerned with medicine and compassionate care, they would follow the medical community’s advice: Lobby Congress to reschedule marijuana so that it can be tested; its medicinal properties (if there are any) extracted or synthesized; and the FDA and doctors prescribe appropriate treatment and dosing. That’s the responsible thing to do.

This measure potentially endangers patients’ health by authorizing marijuana use for a medical condition doctors say it should not be used to treat. To say the least, that is a very serious flaw.

Report Finds CO Medical Marijuana Program Spawned Illegal Drug Trade

According to the Denver Post earlier this month, an anti-drug task force spent three weeks examining data gathered in the two years following the enactment of state laws governing the cultivation, manufacture and retail sale of medical marijuana and related products. Their findings indicate that in Colorado, “medical” marijuana is anything but.

Their review found more than 70 instances in which “medical” marijuana was diverted to the black market. “Medical” marijuana is also being sold illegally across state lines to almost half the nation (23 states), making it a case of interstate drug trafficking.

The DEA has even suggested Colorado is on track to become a major source of illegal marijuana throughout the U.S. With this in mind, it’s doubtful Issue 5 that will appear on the Arkansas ballot this year is airtight enough to prevent the same kind of illegal activity from plaguing Arkansas.

Read more here.

3/4 of Teens in CO Drug Abuse Programs Used Someone Else’s Marijuana

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry last April found 74% of teens surveyed in two Colorado substance abuse facilities had used “medical” marijuana intended for someone else.

The study surveyed 164 teens ages 14-18. Of these teens, 122 admitted to using “medical” marijuana; only 1 was legally qualified to do so.

The study also found “adolescents who used medical marijuana had an earlier age of regular marijuana use, more marijuana abuse and dependence symptoms, and more conduct disorder symptoms compared with those who did not use medical marijuana.”

The study concluded, “Medical marijuana use among adolescent patients in substance abuse treatment is very common, implying substantial diversion from registered users.”

These findings confirm concerns expressed by law enforcement in other states that “medical” marijuana simply contributes to illegal drug use, drug addiction, and criminal activity.

Read the entire study here.