Popular Name Alone Should Have Invalidated Marijuana Measure

Today the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled that a measure to legalize the use of marijuana for “medical” purposes could remain on the ballot for the November election.

Now, this is bad news for a number of reasons. The Court, by and large, ignored concerns expressed over ambiguities in the measure’s ballot title—what voters will see when they look at their ballots—that will mislead voters when they weigh in on the measure.

For instance, the court must look for any omissions in the ballot title that might give voters a reason for “reflection” on the measure. Well, the ballot title does not bother to list the medical conditions for which a person can use marijuana. Do you think that’s something voters might like to know before they vote on the measure? I would at least want to know that much before I voted one way or another. But voters won’t, and the Arkansas Supreme Court did not bother to adequately answer why the ballot title does not have to include something so vital to the measure.

Here’s the thing, though: The Popular Name alone should have invalidated this measure. The Popular Name is a shorthand way of identifying a ballot measure. It is supposed to be impartial and factual.


Court Leaves Marijuana Act on Ballot, Group Vows to Fight It

The following is a press release from the Family Council Action Committee.


LITTLE ROCK — On Thursday, the Arkansas Supreme Court handed down a decision allowing the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act to remain on the November General Election ballot. The Court denied a request by the Coalition to Preserve Arkansas Values to have the measure removed from the ballot.


Marijuana Proponents Don’t See Unintended Consequences

Yesterday I went on the radio for a civil debate over the marijuana measure currently proposed for the November ballot. A lot of questions were brought up during that discussion that highlight the flaws in the measure, but what I came away with more than anything is a belief that many of those supporting the medical marijuana measure do not see the unintended consequences of the proposal’s broad language. Let me give you some examples of the questions and myths that illustrate this point.
