Union Demands USAF Officials Remove “I Stand With Phil” Stickers

From Family Research Council:

It used to be offensive to support natural marriage — now it’s offensive just to like someone who does! Even, two Eglin Air Force officials found out, if that “someone” is a famous celebrity. In a mind-blowing story of political correctness run amok, a controversy is rocking a Florida military base over two tiny decals stuck to the back of employees’ personal vehicles. “I stand with Phil” is all the stickers said — but it’s enough, one government union argues, to get the officials fired.

The “Phil,” of course, is a reference to “Duck Dynasty’s” famous — and unabashedly Christian — patriarch. By supporting the Robertsons’ leader, who spoke out against same-sex “marriage” in December, the American Federation of Government Employees insists that base officials are somehow violating the Civil Rights Act — even though the display is on their personal property. Fox News’s Todd Starnes, who broke the story, interviewed the union rep, who said someone on base had reported the employee, “offended and disgusted that a senior management official would display the decal on their pod.”


Chick-fil-A Trading Integrity for Profitability

Recently, Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy told an interviewer he regrets his company’s pro-marriage stance it took two years ago.

Calling the decision to support traditional marriage “a mistake,” Cathy indicated Chick-fil-A’s priority going forward would be courting a new generation of consumers–one who, if you read between the lines, he must feel supports same-sex marriage.

In a move that’s sure to offend both sides, Cathy said that while his personal views on same-sex marriage have not changed, he does not intend to take a public stance on the issue. To put it another way, gay activists who have been boycotting Chick-fil-A have every reason to continue doing so, and conservatives who celebrated Chick-fil-A for their courageous stance for traditional marriage may decide they would just as soon take their business to Popeyes or KFC.

This back-peddling from Mr. Cathy is incredibly disappointing, and it betrays a failure to grasp the significance of Chick-fil-A’s actions these past few years.


In Arizona, Which Side is “Intolerant”?

By now, you are probably aware of the controversial SB 1062 proposed recently by Arizona lawmakers and vetoed by Gov. Jan Brewer last Wednesday night.

The bill, which made national news across the country, would have “made certain that governmental laws cannot force people to violate their faith unless it has a compelling governmental interest—a balancing of interests that has been in federal law since 1993,” according to Cathi Herrod, President of Center for Arizona Policy, a supporter of the bill.

The bill, however, drew strong reactions from gay activists. In the words of Alliance Defending Freedom, they “egregiously misrepresented” SB1062 to the point that, as Cathi Herrod summed it up, Governor Brewer ultimately vetoed “a bill that does not even exist.” The bill she and others claimed she was vetoing was nothing, in reality, like the proposed law.

SB1062 was about protecting religious freedom from being compromised—not about allowing restaurants to deny service to gay people.

Gay activists often accuse groups like ours or the Center for Arizona Policy of being “hateful” and “intolerant.” But look at what Citizens for a Better Arizona did Wednesday, placing red tape over Center for Arizona Policy’s doors as if the place were out of business. They also attempted to swarm the office, protesting outside its doors and demanding Cathi Herrod come out and apologize for her group’s work. Some are even calling Cathi “a legislative terrorist.”

Does that sound at all like tolerance?

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