Prayer Meeting in Hot Springs this Friday

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Little Rock – Friends and supporters of Family Council in Hot Springs are teaming up with Acts413 Ministries to host a prayer gathering with Philadelphia author and businessman Jim Maxim at the Hot Springs Convention Center on Friday, July 11, at 7:00 PM.

The purpose of the meeting is to gather hundreds of Christians from many different churches and denominations to pray for our nation. The event is free and open to the public.

Members of the media are welcome at the event. For interviews and more information, call Jim Maxim at 610-721-1010. You can also go to and click the link for the July 11 event.


For Obama Administration, 20 an Unlucky Number

The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Luke McCoy.

For a superstitious person the number 13 is an unlucky number. For the Obama Administration, you might say an unlucky number is 20.

Twenty times: That’s how many times the Obama Administration has been overruled unanimously by our nation’s highest court since taking office, according to National Review.

This is an unusually high number of unanimously unfavorable rulings for a President. As the article points out, the Court handed down 15 unanimous rulings against George W. Bush’s administration during his 8 years as president and 23 against President Clinton’s; the Obama Administration’s 20 unanimous rulings have come not over the course of 8 years, but over the course of 5 years.

Click here to read more about the recent rulings.

Good News: Arkansas Fails to Make List of Most Corrupt States

Finally, a bad list that Arkansas isn’t on.

The list of most corrupt states just came out, and we’re not even in the top 10!

A study by researchers Cheol Liu from the City University of Hong Kong and Indiana University’s John L. Mikesell found corruption in Mississippi was tops among the states from 1976 through 2008. Louisiana, Tennessee, Illinois, and Pennsylvania round out the top 5 most corrupt states.

According to the study, the 10 most-corrupt states could have reduced per capita spending by an average of $1,308 if they had average corruption levels. In more corrupt states, large corporations enhance their bottom by lobbying lawmakers for tax breaks and other government assistance rather than focusing on better business practices.

In 2013 the Arkansas Legislature appropriated several million tax dollars to help build a steel mill in Northeast Arkansas.

You can read the study here.