Reminder: Ask Sens. Pryor and Boozman to Oppose ENDA

Last week we told you about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, also known as ENDA.

ENDA is presented as anti-discrimination legislation; the reality, however, is it it injects sexual expression into workplace decisions, and it will affect religious employers and religious organization. As Family Research Council notes,

Homosexuals, cross-dressers, and transgendered workers would automatically qualify for special treatment that other workers would not. Can you imagine walking into your child’s classroom and meeting a teacher dressed in drag? Neither can most Americans. But unfortunately, that’s just one of the many consequences of adopting a law as dangerous as this one. Preschools, daycare centers, summer camps, religious chains like Hobby Lobby or Chick-fil-A — they’ll all be subject to the law, regardless of their personal beliefs and workplace standards.

ENDA is yet another example of legislation running roughshod over religious liberty. It is vaguely-written, and will only be clarified through expensive and time-consuming litigation in our courts.

Senator Reid has indicated plans to bring ENDA up for a vote in the U.S. Senate as early as this week. Please contact Senators Pryor and Boozman today, and ask them each to oppose the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (S. 815).

You can contact Senator Pryor here.

You can contact Senator Boozman here.

Ask Sens. Pryor and Boozman to Oppose ENDA

The U.S. Senate is moving forward with consideration of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (S. 815), also known as ENDA.

ENDA ties the hands of employers when it comes to addressing concerns over employee’s “actual or perceived sexual identity or gender identity.” As Family Resource Council writes, that has serious ramifications for religious organizations and people of faith:

ENDA would force religious business owners and workplaces such as Christian bookstores, religious publishing houses, pre-schools and religious television and radio stations to accept as normal any employee who has had a sex-change surgery, any employee who has changed or is “transitioning” their public “gender identity” (regardless of whether they have had surgery or hormone treatments), transvestites (people who dress as the opposite sex on an occasional basis for emotional or sexual gratification), and drag queens or drag kings (people who dress as the opposite sex for the purpose of entertaining others).

Making matters worse, “perceived gender identity” status does not require sex-change surgery, so ENDA would allow some biological males (who claim to be female) to enter and even appear nude before females in bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers. Situations like this have already been reported in several states with ENDA like laws such as Maine, Colorado and California.

ENDA is yet another example of legislation running roughshod over religious liberty. It is vaguely-written, and will only be clarified through expensive and time-consuming litigation in our courts.

Please contact Senators Pryor and Boozman, and ask them each to oppose the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (S. 815).

You can contact Senator Pryor here.

You can contact Senator Boozman here.

Do Moms and Dads Matter?

U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan is often quoted as saying, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”

With that in mind, a lot of people are pushing the idea these days that moms and dads do not matter in the lives of children–that all that matters is having a “loving family” or even just simply “love” in your life. But do the facts support this opinion?

Here are the facts: