The Battle Is the LORD’s

The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Deborah Beuerman.

David was a young boy whose task it was to tend his father’s sheep.  His older brothers usually were in the field with him, but they had been called to fight the war with the Philistines.  The word from the battle front was that things were not going well for King Saul’s army.  The enemy had a secret weapon—a giant man—who intimidated and daily challenged his opponents to send one man to fight him.  The Israelites trembled in fear and no man would step forward to what they all assumed to be death.

Jesse was concerned about his sons and sent David to take them food and find out how they were faring.  David was there to hear the daily taunting from the giant, Goliath, and was amazed saying, “who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”  David went to Saul and volunteered to fight Goliath.  He took his staff and put five smooth stones in his shepherd’s pouch and went out toward Goliath with his sling shot in his hand.


The Cost of Holding Traditional Values

Earlier this week we shared a commentary about the many different ways people who hold a traditional view of marriage are being penalized–specifically at work.

We thought it might be helpful to share a commentary Eric Metaxas released last month about one specific example: The forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich. As Metaxas notes, there was a backlash from gay activists over Eich’s treatment for his views on marriage, but much of the outrage has arguably subsided since.

Listen below.

[audio:|titles=Eric Metaxas – Nobody Expects the Rainbow Inquisition]

Faith Leaders Schedule Rally Against Same-Sex Marriage Tomorrow

Below is a press release from The Ecumenical Coalition of Faith Leaders of Arkansas about an event they will host at the Capitol Building in Little Rock tomorrow at 11:00 AM.

The Ecumenical Coalition of Faith Leaders of Arkansas
May 19, 2014

For more information contact:
Pastor, Derick Easter, MPA, MMin

Faith Leaders Schedule Stand Against Same-Sex Marriage

Last week, the judicial system of our state issued a disturbing ruling which redefined marriage. This ruling goes directly against God’s purpose, plan, and desire for marriage. The state of Arkansas has long stood on the right side of this issue and prohibited same-sex marriages. However, following Monday’s court ruling legalizing same-sex marriages, ceremonies were performed across this state. We know that God’s Word still reigns in that He loves all of us but not our sins.

Therefore, more than 100 ecumenical faith leaders, Christians and elected officials from around this state ask that you join us on the steps of the state capitol at 11:00 a.m., Thursday May 22, 2014, as we stand on the biblical principles of marriage between one man and one woman.

We stand not in hatred but in love, not against a person but against the principle of same sex marriage as God has called upon us to do.
