Why Stronger Marijuana is Sparking Backlash

As states around the country have chosen to legalize marijuana, we have seen the rise of high-THC products linked to psychosis and other health problems.

Recent studies have found that marijuana use is a leading indicator of workplace accidents and leads to schizophrenia among young men as well as being closely associated with increased risk for depression and bipolar disorder. 

Bloomberg News recently published a special report examining marijuana in Colorado — and how high-potency THC products are sparking backlash amid health concerns.

You can watch their short video special below.

Guest Column: Marijuana and Teen Suicide

By John Stonestreet

A feature of life in Colorado is the prevalence of pot. There are dispensaries on virtually every corner, and everywhere I travel I hear a pot joke. Something else my adopted state is becoming known for is the harmful aftereffects of legalized marijuana. According to state statistics, the drug was found in the system of some 42% of teen suicides, a rate nearly twice as much as with alcohol and four times of any other substances.  

Of course, correlation doesn’t mean causation, but it can mean connection. If nearly half of stroke victims were taking the same medicine, would we wonder if there was a link? Why the reluctance to connect the dots here?  

Marijuana might not cause suicide, but numbers don’t lie. It encourages or exacerbates problems that lead down that deadly road, especially for a group at high risk. The link is there for those willing to see it. Since suicide rates have risen every year that it has been legal, we’re far past giving the benefit of the doubt.

Copyright 2023 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.